Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Life at Etsy is good.
We work hard and we play hard.
We respect weekends.
All jobs come with full benefits and a nice salary" (*)

Since I graduated, I have done 3 different jobs, in 3 different offices. It's all has its own characters, the bos and the management. The latest office is not so... convincing. There were many things happened that make me think " What kind of office-environment I want, if I have my own, in the future?"

Do you wants your staff to do their BEST, on their everyday responsibilities? Giving more value to their work, and have passion to make the company on its best performance? Sure. Everybody wanted that thing happen.

But, it's all depends on the owner. How he/she manage her company. What vision she takes. What kind of passion she wants her staff on their everyday working life.

Paying your staff for an overtime hour is not a problem solving. Take the job on a scheduled job-hour, that's what makes your staff feel convinient. Respect their time, at least their week end. Respect their needs, it's about benefits and salary. Feel the environment they're working in everyday, 'cos if they feel home, they will do their best.

If people feel comforting on their heart, they can do anything proper. Even amazing.

(*) www. is an online market for handmade things. They're a bunch of people working for making crafting and handmade things become something steady and daily used on our era.

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