Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I will get it

Kalo penasaran pada sesuatu hal, biasanya gue akan nguber terus. Sebanyak apapun informasi yang bisa gue dapatkan, rasanya ga berarti sebelum orangnya (or someone else)memberikan jawabannya sendiri untuk gue.

I will finish this next week. Just see.

Ready to beat this.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Audelia - I thank you for leaving your comment at my blog. I don't have a DA account but was able to view some of your work on yours. I really like the characters you've created in "The Witch and Me" - great energy and expressions and the apalette is quite nice. You have some very nice pieces - Warrior of Continents, Red Head Dancer (great energy and flow), and much of your work has lots of great detail which I think is hard to accomplish but you do a good job! I wish you much success in your endeavors in 2010! Keep up the great work! Thank you so much for your kind words about my work. I appreciate it very much.